Advancing glass recycling in hospitality: HOTREC joins Close the Glass Loop's annual event
HOTREC participated in the annual event of Close the Glass Loop, the European platform dedicated to the collection and recycling of glass packaging, held on June 29, 2023, in Brussels. This event provided a valuable opportunity for us to address the challenges of recycling and collaborate towards enhancing glass collection for recycling in the hospitality industry.
It is of great interest to all stakeholders involved in the European glass value chain to achieve higher rates of glass collection for recycling. The glass value chain in the EU has made significant progress, with the glass collection rate reaching 80.1% in 2021, bringing us closer to the platform’s objective of reaching 90% by 2030.
Participating in this event allowed us to strengthen our ongoing partnership with Close the Glass Loop and collaborate with other industry stakeholders who share a commitment to promoting glass recycling in Europe. Additionally, we had the opportunity to engage with Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea, the European Commission’s Director for Circular Economy, to discuss the EU Proposal on Packaging and Packaging Waste and its relevance to our efforts.