HOTREC - New EU Short-Term Rental rules a landmark step to a level playing field

Brussels, 16 November 2023 – HOTREC, the voice of European hospitality, welcomes the provisional agreement on EU Short-Term Rental Regulation. New rules will help to level the playing field between Short-Term Rentals (STRs) and traditional accommodation providers. It is important that all EU Member States implement the law across their entire territories.
New rules will require host registration and a data-sharing framework with public authorities. HOTREC sees the law as an important public policy tool that will increase transparency and competitiveness in the accommodation market. As one of the most regulated sectors in the EU, hoteliers find it unfair to compete with accommodations that are currently not even required to submit basic sets of data. We are also encouraged to see that the Regulation introduces rules and obligations to online platforms that have significantly contributed to the current imbalances in the market.
HOTREC strongly believes that all EU member states should implement the Regulation in their legal systems. Only this approach will allow them to understand the issues of STRs which are in our view still underestimated. We are therefore encouraged to see that many EU member states already signalled their willingness to implement the Regulation.
HOTREC Director General Marie Audren said: Yesterday’s agreement represents an important milestone for the entire hospitality sector. For almost ten years HOTREC has been warning of the negative effects, lack of basic rules for Short-Term Rentals and untransparent behaviour of online platforms.” She continued: ‘’It is important that Member States implement the rules and start collecting data as soon as possible. HOTREC will remain involved in all issues concerning STRs that impact stakeholders, destinations, and residents.’’
Press Contacts
Mr Matej Žežlin, HOTREC Public Affairs Manager
HOTREC is the umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Cafés and similar establishments in Europe. It brings together 47 national associations in 36 European countries and serves as the voice of the European hospitality industry. HOTREC’s mission is to represent and champion the industry’s interests towards the EU and international institutions, foster knowledge sharing and best practices among its members to promote innovation and serve as an expert platform for the hospitality sector. The European hospitality industry is a vital economic contributor, comprising 2 million businesses and employing 10 million people. It plays a vital role in driving economic growth and job creation, contributing approximately 3% to the total EU GDP. The industry is characterized by a high level of entrepreneurship, with 99% of businesses classified as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These companies bring innovation, creativity, and a personal touch to the industry.