HOTREC proposal of compromise - trilogue negotiation - Energy Performance of Buildings
Tuesday, 28 March 2023
Press release

HOTREC proposal of compromise - Trilogue negotiation - Energy Performance of Buildings
In view of the upcoming trilogue negotiations on the recast of the Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings, please find enclosed our proposal for compromise.
Our priorities are the following:
- Support must be provided to companies, especially SMEs (e.g. fiscal incentives, such as tax relief; guarantee funds; funds targeting deep renovation) to allow them to implement the necessary infrastructural changes;
- Minimum Energy Performance Standards are essential to help achieve the EU targets. But a step-by-step approach is preferable, to allow companies to adapt, while the notion of building stock should be preserved (when compared to individual buildings) – energy efficiency improvements should be done in connection with other renovation work of the building and taking into account its value in the future;
- Charging stations and bicycle parking spaces shall not be mandatory;
- Solar energy can be encouraged, but not made compulsory, at least for existing buildings.
- A definition of public, residential and non-residential buildings should be part of the legislation.