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HOTREC Members' survey on patronage vouchers to support hospitality businesses amidst COVID-19 crisis

Monday, 25 May 2020
working-documents tourism presentations
Survey responses from HOTREC Members now available here below. Responses are still very much welcome. As part of its Communication on 13 May to support the recovery of the transport and tourism sector amidst the COVID-19 crisis, the European Commission has announced that it would set up an online portal to showcase ‘patronage voucher’ initiatives developed across Europe, which aim to support hotels, restaurants and other tourism establishments. In order to develop the initiative, the European Commission is requesting support from key tourism stakeholders such as HOTREC. HOTREC invites its members to provide any relevant information on existing ‘patronage voucher’ schemes they may be aware of on their national markets. HOTREC will then provide the information to the European Commission. The European Commission would also welcome the possibility for HOTREC members to publicize the future ‘patronage voucher’ online portal towards hospitality establishments. In order to do provide constructive input to the European Commission’s initiative, we would welcome responses to the following questions, which can be sent by email to Jacques Lovell at HOTREC – [email protected] - by 31 May 2020. Earlier responses are very welcome.
  1. Are you aware of any existing  ‘patronage voucher schemes’ to support hospitality establishments amidst the COVID-19 crisis that have been developed in your national market? Please provide a hyperlink to and/or description of the initiative.
  2. Are you aware of any projects/intentions (which have not yet come to fruition) to launch such schemes in your national market?
  3. Would you be willing to provide information to your members about the European Commission’s future online portal about patronage vouchers?
  4. Would you see any potential risks linked to the establishments of such schemes?
Further information on the initiative is available in the memo here below. Initial survey responses are also available here below.